Shant Boodaghians

I was formerly a Ph.D. student at UIUC, working with Prof. Ruta Mehta, on search and optimization problems in computational economics (AGT). Prior to that, I was at McGill, where I did my masters with Prof. Adrian Vetta.


Selected works, a full list can be found at the above links. It is convention in CS theory to evenly attribute co-first authorship, and give author names alphabetically.

Polynomial Time Algorithms to Find an Approximate Competitive Equilibrium for Chores,” SB, B. Chaudhury, R. Mehta.  arXiv preprint

Pandora's Box Problem with Order Constraints,”
 SB, F. Fusco, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi.  EC 2020

Smoothed Efficient Algorithms and Reductions for Network Coordination Games,”
 SB, R. Kulkarni, R. Mehta.  ITCS 2020


Ph.D. in Algorithms and Theory from UIUC with Prof. Ruta Mehta
M.Sc. in Math from McGill University with Prof. Adrian Vetta
B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from McGill University

Teaching Assistantships

CS 473: Algorithms (Spring 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2021)
CS 374: Intr. to Algorithms (Fall 2017, Spring 2019, Fall 2020)
CS 598RM: Algorithmic Game Theory (Fall 2018)
MATH 240: Discrete Structures 1 (Fall 2015)
Undergraduate Assistant at the Math Helpdesk (2013–2015)